SIDRAL is more than 100 years old and has been present in some of the last generations. In first half of the XX’s it was mainly consumed as an sparkling soda and was one of the most representative brand in the market. Highlighting its unique and characteristics vending pots.
In its past there was also a hole on the pharmaceutical sector thanks to its curative attributes (antacid action, symptomatic hyperacidity relief, heavy digestions…).
Till second half of the century the product is not conceived to the kids market, adapting formats and designs.
SIDRAL, always growing, opens a new factory in MATARO , an industrial seaside town 20km north to BARCELONA adapting its systems and production processes to the nowadays quality and technical standards.
SIDRAL, in constant evolution, merge work and enthusiasm for a common objective: fulfill the wishes and need to kids from 3 to 100 years in the fifth continents.
Currently, Sidral is present on five continents and is formed by a team of hundreds of people who strives to customize products and meet the specific needs of each market requires. Always present at the most important international shows, our Export and marketing departments join forces to personalize the products and assist the requirements of every market.
Our goal: To satisfy the tastes of children and adults from 2 to 100 years